Celebrating 20 Years: Dream. Believe. Achieve.

African Education Program
2 min readMar 28, 2024


JJJulie-Anne Savarit-Cosenza
Co-founder & Executive Director
African Education Program

It’s hard to believe that 20 years have gone by since my co-founders and I were teenagers dreaming about creating change in the world. But when I look at my Zambian colleagues who are spearheading programs at our Learning & Leadership Center in Kafue, Zambia, and I remember that I met them when they were teenagers, reality hits. The years have indeed gone by.

Founded in the cafeteria of Radnor High School (PA, USA) in 2004, today AEP continues to grow, providing life-changing programs to thousands of children, youth and women through its flagship Learning & Leadership Centre in Kafue, Zambia.

Our theme for this anniversary year is, “Dream. Believe. Achieve.” These three powerful words encapsulate the essence of our mission and the journey we have undertaken together over the past two decades.

Dream. From the very beginning, our dream to make the world a better place drove us to do a service project with a personal connection. A dream turned into providing educational materials to disadvantaged youth in Zambia.

Believe. It is the unwavering belief in the potential of every child that has given us the inspiration to stay steadfast in our work. I wish I could say that challenges have been few, that burn out didn’t exist and that this work is as easy as it is rewarding. I would be lying. But the belief in the impact we can have has kept us going.

Achieve. From 25 students accessing the Learning & Leadership Center when we first opened our doors to this year reaching 4,000 children, youth and women in Zambia, I think it is safe to say that we have achieved much. But more than the numbers, achievement is cemented in the countless success stories and achievements that have surpassed even our wildest dreams.

From this teenage dream to a thriving reality, our belief in the transformative power of education and leadership development has guided us every step of the way. Together, we’ve not only dreamt of a brighter future for African children, youth and women, but through dedication and resilience, we’ve turned those dreams into tangible achievements, transforming lives and communities.

Dream. Believe. Achieve.



African Education Program

Transformation starts with people dreaming about change in their communities. This ‘What Shapes Us’ Blog will show dreaming should be a right, not a privilege.